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Pindyck, Robert S.

Microeconomics Robert S. Pindyck, Daniel L. Rubinfeld. - 5th ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. Prentice Hall ©2001. - xxix, 700 páginas color ilustraciones 26 cm. - Prentice-Hall series in economics . - Prentice-Hall series in economics. .

Multi-media teaching aids available to supplement the text.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction: Markets and Prices The Themes of Microeconomics What Is a Market? Real versus Nominal Prices The Basics of Supply and Demand The Market Mechanism Changes in Market Equilibrium Elasticities of Supply and Demand Short-Run versus Long-Run Elasticities Understanding and Predicting the Effects of Changing Market Conditions Effects of Government Intervention -- Price Controls Producers, Consumers, and Competitive Markets Consumer Behavior Consumer Preferences Budget Constraints Consumer Choice Revealed Preference Marginal Utility and Consumer Choice Cost-of-Living Indexes Individual and Market Demand Individual Demand Income and Substitution Effects Market Demand Consumer Surplus Network Externalities Empirical Estimation of Demand Appendix to Chapter 4: Demand Theory -- A Mathematical Treatment Choice Under Uncertainty Describing Risk Preferences Toward Risk Reducing Risk The Demand for Risky Assets Production The Technology of Production Isoquants Production with One Variable Input (Labor) Production with Two Variable Inputs Returns to Scale The Cost of Production Measuring Cost: Which Costs Matter? Cost in the Short Run Cost in the Long Run Long-Run versus Short-Run Cost Curves Production with Two Outputs -- Economies of Scope Dynamic Changes in Costs -- The Learning Curve Estimating and Predicting Cost Appendix to Chapter 7: Production and Cost Theory -- A Mathematical Treatment Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply Perfectly Competitive Markets Profit Maximization Marginal Revenue, Marginal Cost, and Profit Maximization Choosing Output in the Short Run The Competitive Firm's Short-Run Supply Curve The Short-Run Market Supply Curve Choosing Output in the Long Run The Industry's Long-Run Supply Curve The Analysis of Competitive Markets Evaluating the Gains and Losses from Government Policies -- Consumer and Producer Surplus The Efficiency of a Competitive Market Minimum Prices Price Supports and Production Quotas Import Quotas and Tariffs The Impact of a Tax or Subsidy Market Structure and Competitive Strategy Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony Monopoly Monopoly Power Sources of Monopoly Power The Social Costs of Monopoly Power Monopsony Monopsony Power Limiting Market Power: The Antitrust Laws Pricing with Market Power Capturing Consumer Surplus Price Discrimination Intertemporal Price Discrimination and Peak-Load Pricing The Two-Part Tariff Bundling Advertising Appendix to Chapter 11: Transfer Pricing in the Integrated Firm Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Price Competition Competition versus Collusion: The Prisoners' Dilemma Implications of the Prisoners' Dilemma for Oligopolistic Pricing Cartels Game Theory and Competitive Strategy Gaming and Strategic Decisions Dominant Strategies The Nash Equilibrium Revisited Repeated Games Sequential Games Threats, Commitments, and Credibility Entry Deterrence Bargaining Strategy Auctions Markets for Factor Inputs Competitive Factor Markets Equilibrium in a Competitive Factor Market Factor Markets with Monopsony Power Factor Markets with Monopoly Power Investment, Time, and Capital Markets Stocks versus Flows Present Discounted Value The Value of a Bond The Net Present Value Criterion for Capital Investment Decisions Adjustments for Risk Investment Decisions by Consumers Intertemporal Production Decisions -- Depletable Resources How Are Interest Rates Determined? Information, Market Failure, and the Role of Government General Equilibrium and Economic Efficiency General Equilibrium Analysis Efficiency in Exchange Equity and Efficiency Efficiency in Production The Gains from Free Trade An Overview -- The Efficiency of Competitive Markets Why Markets Fail Markets with Asymmetric Information Quality Uncertainty and the Market for Lemons Market Signaling Moral Hazard The Principal-Agent Problem Managerial Incentives in an Integrated Firm Asymmetric Information in Labor Markets: Efficiency Wage Theory Externalities and Public Goods Externalities Ways of Correcting Market Failure Externalities and Property Rights Common Property Resources Public Goods Private Preferences for Public Goods The Basics of Regression Markets for Prescription Drugs The Price of Eggs and the Price of a College Education The Minimum Wage The Price of Eggs and the Price of a College Education Revisited Wage Inequality in the United States The Long-Run Behavior of Natural Resource Prices The Market for Wheat The Demand for Gasoline and Automobiles The Weather in Brazil and the Price of Coffee in New York Declining Demand and the Behavior of Copper Prices Upheaval in the World Oil Market Price Controls and Natural Gas Shortages Designing New Automobiles Decision Making and Public Policy A College Trust Fund Revealed Preference for Recreation Gasoline Rationing The Bias in the CPI Consumer Expenditures in the United States The Effects of a Gasoline Tax The Aggregate Demand for Wheat The Demand for Housing The Value of Clean Air Network Externalities and the Demands for Computers and E-Mail The Demand for Ready-to-Eat Cereal Deterring Crime Business Executives and the Choice of Risk The Value of Title Insurance When Buying a House The Value of Information in the Dairy Industry Investing in the Stock Market Malthus and the Food Crisis Labor Productivity and the Standard of Living A Production Function for Wheat Part 1 1 -- 1.1 4 -- 1.2 7 -- 1.3 11 -- 2 19 -- 2.2 23 -- 2.3 24 -- 2.4 30 -- 2.5 35 -- 2.6 44 -- 2.7 53 -- Part 2 59 -- 3 61 -- 3.1 62 -- 3.2 75 -- 3.3 79 -- 3.4 86 -- 3.5 89 -- 3.6 92 -- 4 101 -- 4.1 102 -- 4.2 110 -- 4.3 116 -- 4.4 123 -- 4.5 127 -- 4.6 131 -- 139 -- 5 149 -- 5.1 150 -- 5.2 155 -- 5.3 161 -- 5.4 166 -- 6 177 -- 6.1 178 -- 6.2 179 -- 6.3 181 -- 6.4 191 -- 6.5 197 -- 7 203 -- 7.1 203 -- 7.2 208 -- 7.3 215 -- 7.4 224 -- 7.5 229 -- 7.6 232 -- 7.7 237 -- 246 -- 8 251 -- 8.1 252 -- 8.2 254 -- 8.3 255 -- 8.4 258 -- 8.5 263 -- 8.6 266 -- 8.7 271 -- 8.8 277 -- 9 287 -- 9.1 288 -- 9.2 294 -- 9.3 298 -- 9.4 302 -- 9.5 309 -- 9.6 313 -- Part 3 325 -- 10 327 -- 10.1 328 -- 10.2 339 -- 10.3 345 -- 10.4 347 -- 10.5 352 -- 10.6 355 -- 10.7 359 -- 11 369 -- 11.1 370 -- 11.2 371 -- 11.3 382 -- 11.4 385 -- 11.5 392 -- 11.6 403 -- 413 -- 12 423 -- 12.1 424 -- 12.2 429 -- 12.3 437 -- 12.4 442 -- 12.5 445 -- 12.6 451 -- 13 461 -- 13.1 461 -- 13.2 464 -- 13.3 466 -- 13.4 472 -- 13.5 476 -- 13.6 479 -- 13.7 483 -- 13.8 489 -- 13.9 491 -- 14 501 -- 14.1 501 -- 14.2 514 -- 14.3 518 -- 14.4 523 -- 15 533 -- 15.1 534 -- 15.2 534 -- 15.3 538 -- 15.4 542 -- 15.5 545 -- 15.6 549 -- 15.7 551 -- 15.8 555 -- Part 4 561 -- 16 563 -- 16.1 563 -- 16.2 567 -- 16.3 575 -- 16.4 578 -- 16.5 585 -- 16.6 590 -- 16.7 591 -- 17 595 -- 17.1 596 -- 17.2 601 -- 17.3 606 -- 17.4 609 -- 17.5 613 -- 17.6 616 -- 18 621 -- 18.1 621 -- 18.2 625 -- 18.3 638 -- 18.4 642 -- 18.5 644 -- 18.6 649 -- Appendix 655 -- Example 1.1 10 -- Example 1.2 12 -- Example 1.3 13 -- Example 2.1 26 -- Example 2.2 27 -- Example 2.3 28 -- Example 2.4 33 -- Example 2.5 39 -- Example 2.6 41 -- Example 2.7 47 -- Example 2.8 49 -- Example 2.9 54 -- Example 3.1 71 -- Example 3.3 82 -- Example 3.4 85 -- Example 3.5 88 -- Example 3.6 91 -- Example 3.7 97 -- Example 4.1 108 -- Example 4.2 114 -- Example 4.3 120 -- Example 4.4 122 -- Example 4.5 125 -- Example 4.6 130 -- Example 4.7 134 -- Example 5.1 154 -- Example 5.2 160 -- Example 5.3 163 -- Example 5.4 165 -- Example 5.5 173 -- Example 6.1 187 -- Example 6.2 189 -- Example 6.3 196 Returns to Scale in the Carpet Industry Choosing the Location for a New Law School Building Sunk, Fixed, and Variable Costs: Computers, Software, and Pizzas The Short-Run Cost of Aluminum Smelting The Effect of Effluent Fees on Input Choices Economies of Scope in the Trucking Industry The Learning Curve in Practice Cost Functions for Electric Power A Cost Function for the Savings and Loan Industry The Short-Run Output Decision of an Aluminum Smelting Plant Some Cost Considerations for Managers The Short-Run Production of Petroleum Products The Short-Run World Supply of Copper The Long-Run Supply of Housing Price Controls and Natural Gas Shortages The Market for Human Kidneys Airline Regulation Supporting the Price of Wheat The Sugar Quota A Tax on Gasoline Astra-Merck Prices Prilosec Markup Pricing: Supermarkets to Designer Jeans The Pricing of Prerecorded Videocassettes Monopsony Power in U.S. Manufacturing A Phone Call About Prices The United States versus Microsoft The Economics of Coupons and Rebates Airline Fares How to Price a Best-Selling Novel Polaroid Cameras Pricing Cellular Phone Service The Complete Dinner versus a la Carte: A Restaurant's Pricing Problem Advertising in Practice -- Example 6.4 199 -- Example 7.1 205 -- Example 7.2 207 -- Example 7.3 213 -- Example 7.4 220 -- Example 7.5 232 -- Example 7.6 236 -- Example 7.7 240 -- Example 7.8 241 -- Example 8.1 260 -- Example 8.2 261 -- Example 8.3 265 -- Example 8.4 268 -- Example 8.5 282 -- Example 9.1 292 -- Example 9.2 295 -- Example 9.3 300 -- Example 9.4 306 -- Example 9.5 312 -- Example 9.6 318 -- Example 10.1 334 -- Example 10.2 342 -- Example 10.3 343 -- Example 10.4 358 -- Example 10.5 362 -- Example 10.6 363 -- Example 11.1 379 -- Example 11.2 380 -- Example 11.3 384 -- Example 11.4 389 -- Example 11.5 390 -- Example 11.6 401 -- Example 11.7 406.

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