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Authority search results

Showing 4 of about 4 results

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Término temático:
Hortalizas leguminosas
see also:
Arvejas (Broader heading)
Ayocote (Broader heading)
Canavalia (Broader heading)
Cyamopsis psoralioides (Broader heading)
Frijol lima (Broader heading)
Frijol mungo (Broader heading)
Garbanzos (Broader heading)
Hortalizas de fruto (Broader heading)
Leguminosas (Broader heading)
Vigna (Broader heading)
Arvejas (Narrower heading)
Ayocote (Narrower heading)
Canavalia (Narrower heading)
Cyamopsis psoralioides (Narrower heading)
Frijol lima (Narrower heading)
Frijol mungo (Narrower heading)
Garbanzos (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas de fruto (Narrower heading)
Vigna (Narrower heading)
Details Término temático 0 records
Término temático:
see also:
Legumbres (Broader heading)
Altramuz (Narrower heading)
Arachis (Narrower heading)
Canavalia (Narrower heading)
Centrosema (Narrower heading)
Crotalaria (Narrower heading)
Erythrina (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas leguminosas (Narrower heading)
Indigofera (Narrower heading)
Legumbres (Narrower heading)
Leguminosas forrajeras (Narrower heading)
Lotus (Narrower heading)
Mimosoideae (Narrower heading)
Papilionoideae (Narrower heading)
Tamarindo (Narrower heading)
Vigna (Narrower heading)
Details Término temático 0 records
Término temático:
Leguminosas como alimento para animales
see also:
Alimentos para animales (Broader heading)
Details Término temático 0 records
Término temático:
Leguminosas forrajeras
see also:
Altramuz (Broader heading)
Arachis (Broader heading)
Arvejas (Broader heading)
Canavalia (Broader heading)
Centrosema (Broader heading)
Crotalaria (Broader heading)
Enterolobium (Broader heading)
Heno (Broader heading)
Indigofera (Broader heading)
Leguminosas (Broader heading)
Leucaena (Broader heading)
Lotus (Broader heading)
Plantas forrajeras (Broader heading)
Prosopis (Broader heading)
Tamarindo (Broader heading)
Veza (Broader heading)
Vigna (Broader heading)
Altramuz (Narrower heading)
Arachis (Narrower heading)
Arvejas (Narrower heading)
Canavalia (Narrower heading)
Centrosema (Narrower heading)
Crotalaria (Narrower heading)
Enterolobium (Narrower heading)
Heno (Narrower heading)
Indigofera (Narrower heading)
Leucaena (Narrower heading)
Lotus (Narrower heading)
Prosopis (Narrower heading)
Tamarindo (Narrower heading)
Veza (Narrower heading)
Vigna (Narrower heading)
Details Término temático 0 records


Dirección: Cdla. Universitaria “Dr. Rómulo Minchala Murillo” - Km.1.5 vía Milagro - Virgen de Fátima; Guayas, Ecuador.
Teléfono: 2715081 ext:3702, 3703, 3704


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