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Authority search results

Showing 1 of about 1 results

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Término temático:
Participacion politica
used for/see from:
Activismo político
Comportamiento político
Comportamiento político masivo
Control ciudadano
see also:
Accion comunitaria (Broader heading)
Actividad politica (Broader heading)
Actos politicos (Broader heading)
Afiliacion politica (Broader heading)
Cabildo abierto (Broader heading)
Consulta popular (Broader heading)
Cultura politica (Broader heading)
Derecho de peticion (Broader heading)
Derechos politicos (Broader heading)
Derechos politicos (Broader heading)
Filosofia de la democracia (Broader heading)
Iniciativa popular (Broader heading)
Mujeres en la politica (Broader heading)
Oposicion politica (Broader heading)
Participacion ciudadana (Broader heading)
Participacion juvenil (Broader heading)
Participacion social (Broader heading)
Participacion social (Broader heading)
Politica (Broader heading)
Politicos (Broader heading)
Psicologia politica (Broader heading)
Referendum (Broader heading)
Revocatoria del mandato (Broader heading)
Sociologia politica (Broader heading)
Tacticas politicas (Broader heading)
Abogados en la politica (Narrower heading)
Abstencionismo (Narrower heading)
Accion comunitaria (Narrower heading)
Actitudes politicas (Narrower heading)
Actividad politica estudiantil (Narrower heading)
Actos politicos (Narrower heading)
Afiliacion politica (Narrower heading)
Cabildo abierto (Narrower heading)
Compañias-actividad politica (Narrower heading)
Consulta popular (Narrower heading)
Cultura politica (Narrower heading)
Derecho de peticion (Narrower heading)
Derechos politicos (Narrower heading)
Filosofia de la democracia (Narrower heading)
Iniciativa popular (Narrower heading)
Mujeres en la politica (Narrower heading)
Mujeres-actividad politica (Narrower heading)
Negros-actividad politica (Narrower heading)
Oposicion politica (Narrower heading)
Participacion ciudadana (Narrower heading)
Participacion juvenil (Narrower heading)
Participacion social (Narrower heading)
Partidos politicos (Narrower heading)
Politica (Narrower heading)
Politicos (Narrower heading)
Psicologia politica (Narrower heading)
Referendum (Narrower heading)
Revocatoria del mandato (Narrower heading)
Sociologia politica (Narrower heading)
Tacticas politicas (Narrower heading)
Veedurias (Narrower heading)
Details Término temático 1 record


Dirección: Cdla. Universitaria “Dr. Rómulo Minchala Murillo” - Km.1.5 vía Milagro - Virgen de Fátima; Guayas, Ecuador.
Teléfono: 2715081 ext:3702, 3703, 3704


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