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Authority search results

Showing 2 of about 2 results

Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Término temático:
Plantas medicinales
used for/see from:
Drogas vegetales
Medicamentos a base de plantas
Medicamentos botánicos
see also:
Allium cepa (Broader heading)
Aloe vera (Broader heading)
Botanica medica (Broader heading)
Cinnamomum camphora (Broader heading)
Industria de drogas vegetales (Broader heading)
Mentha pulegium (Broader heading)
Piper nigrum (Broader heading)
Plantas aromaticas (Broader heading)
Plantas psicotropicas (Broader heading)
Plantas utiles (Broader heading)
Rosmarinus officinalis (Broader heading)
Salvia officinalis (Broader heading)
Strychnos (Broader heading)
Teucrium (Broader heading)
Allium cepa (Narrower heading)
Aloe (Narrower heading)
Aloe vera (Narrower heading)
Amapola de opio (Narrower heading)
Botanica medica (Narrower heading)
Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Narrower heading)
Cinnamomum camphora (Narrower heading)
Industria de drogas vegetales (Narrower heading)
Mentha pulegium (Narrower heading)
Piper nigrum (Narrower heading)
Plantas aromaticas (Narrower heading)
Plantas psicotropicas (Narrower heading)
Rosmarinus officinalis (Narrower heading)
Salvia officinalis (Narrower heading)
Strychnos (Narrower heading)
Teucrium (Narrower heading)
Details Término temático 1 record
Término temático:
Uso de plantas medicinales en los animales
used for/see from:
Animales-Uso de plantas medicinales
Plantas medicinales usadas por animales
see also:
Conducta animal (Broader heading)
Salud animal (Broader heading)
Details Término temático 0 records


Dirección: Cdla. Universitaria “Dr. Rómulo Minchala Murillo” - Km.1.5 vía Milagro - Virgen de Fátima; Guayas, Ecuador.
Teléfono: 2715081 ext:3702, 3703, 3704


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